Monday 18 November 2013

I have a confession to make, I write my book in my car when on my lunch breaks in work. I know, I know, sad, but its the only place I can get any peace during my working day. My reasons are: I get bothered by people when I sit at my desk, there is no decent staff room and I work in a dodgy area so have no where else to go.

My seat slides back to give me plenty of leg room and lap space for my A4 pink note book. Classical FM goes on for some soothing background tunes, and my hours break disappears in minutes as I write furiously, trying to get everything down that's been on my mind throughout the morning.

Phew! I feel better for getting that off my chest!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle,
    Ahh yes, those awesome lunch breaks when you try and cram a whole days ambition into a mere 60 minutes. Your dedication is inspiring.
