Thursday 28 November 2013

Since I began trying to get published I have joined ALOT of websites (not enough hours in the day springs to mind!).



Avon Romance




Feel free to follow me on any or all of these sites. Look forward to seeing you there :)

Friday 22 November 2013

My pattern of writing.

I write in the morning before I have to shoot off to work. I write in my lunch breaks, sat mostly in my car. In front of the TV most evenings and as much as possible over the weekends.

I know you will probably think I have no life but writing IS my life. I like to use good old fashioned pen and paper (for a 30 something, technology really scares me!) and then I type it all up later. I know that sounds a bit long winded but I'm not always sat in front of my computer, and nor do I want to be. However I usually end up adding more as I edit and type it up!

I don't write from start to finish but as the story unfolds in my mind which could mean I write chapter ten first and then chapter one last, I usually know how I want the story to end but not how it begins! I keep a running index so I know where I want to place each chapter so I don't forget anything, believe it or not this makes it easier for me when it comes to editing.

I don't edit until I feel I have written all I can on the story, I then have a break for two weeks and then start the editing process in earnest. By the time I've finished editing the book has practically doubled in length. I usually edit my book three times but as I'm not published it will probably be edited again!

These are my techniques, they may sound crazy but they work for me :)

Thursday 21 November 2013

If others can get a publishing deal, so can I!
If others can make a living doing something they love, so can I!
If others can be successful, so can I!

Monday 18 November 2013

I have a confession to make, I write my book in my car when on my lunch breaks in work. I know, I know, sad, but its the only place I can get any peace during my working day. My reasons are: I get bothered by people when I sit at my desk, there is no decent staff room and I work in a dodgy area so have no where else to go.

My seat slides back to give me plenty of leg room and lap space for my A4 pink note book. Classical FM goes on for some soothing background tunes, and my hours break disappears in minutes as I write furiously, trying to get everything down that's been on my mind throughout the morning.

Phew! I feel better for getting that off my chest!

Friday 15 November 2013

I have a trilogy going on. My first book is called 'long lost', my second book (here's the exclusive! Lol) is called 'long last' but I'm stuck on a title for my third! Any ideas? (Sticking with the 'long' theme).

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Don't forget to check out 16 chapters of my book 'Long Lost' on the Authonomy website. Only the Prologue and two chapters have been uploaded onto my blog so far.
I recently went on holiday to Greece and would you believe that I actually took my writers note book with me. I'm slightly obsessed with it, it goes everywhere with me (work, home, holidays, the car, shopping etc) as I never know when an idea may come to me.

Thursday 7 November 2013

I describe my book 'Long Lost' as, Life on mars (if you ever watched the UK show) meets pride and prejudice meets who do you think you are. A bit mad I know!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Does anyone use BlogSpot? If so, can you share with me how I advertise my blog so people will follow me? I seem to have 43 people following my profile but only 1 actually following my blog. Thx xxxxxx

Tuesday 5 November 2013

On my blog I have uploaded the Prologue and Chapters one and two of my book 'Long Lost'. Please check it out and give feedback, it would be very much appreciated as I am a new writer xx

Saturday 2 November 2013

Don't forget to follow me on my Facebook page. Look forward to seeing you there x
I'm constantly surprised and happy at the interest, support and encouragement I get for my writing from the unlikeliest of people.