Tuesday 31 December 2013

Would love to see you all on twitter. Follow me @chelle52

Sunday 29 December 2013

My aim is to inspire others as well as myself to achieve our dreams, no matter how small or grand, they're your dreams for a reason and should never let anyone put them down.

If you want it enough you will get there and there's no time to waste feeling sorry for yourself. Writing mustn't seem like a hobby, it must be your passion. Eventually it might also become your profession. - Katie Fforde.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Numerous self-published authors have gone on to secure mainstream deals. Indeed, you are now more likely to find an agent and publisher through this route than you are by submitting to slush piles. - writers and artists yearbook.

Friday 27 December 2013

In my dreams I am walking past Waterstone's and in the window, proudly on display,  is my book. One day I'll be awake when it happens.
Sleeping till 9am,  writing all day,  and taking naps.  I could get used to this life...

Friday 20 December 2013

Great advice I was given......it only takes one person to say yes. Fills me with hope ;)
For those who don't know, I have written a romantic trilogy. Long Lost is based in the 19th century. Long Last is based in the 19th century and Long Love is based in the 21st century. They all revolve around the main characters, William and Emily.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Every now and then I get a pang of self pity and wonder why on earth I'm putting myself through all this and then I remember why I love writing and that all I can see in my future is writing. I can't let my future self down!
Would really love to get 120 likes on my Facebook page. Please please please can you all share my page and invite your friends to join. I would be sooooo grateful xx thanks lovely peeps xx https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michelle-Read-Author/580556831980280

Tuesday 17 December 2013

I love printing my book our and covering it with my scribbling's in my attempts at editing! Its very satisfying to see, especially as I usually end up double the length of the book in the process!
I don't have writer's block, I'm actually itching to write but life keeps getting in the way and distracting me. I need to be locked away in a room to ensure I get cracking with my book!

Monday 16 December 2013

Has decided, unless a miracle happens, I will self publish my book, Long Lost, next April/May :)

Monday 9 December 2013

Books that have helped me with my writing.....

Creative Writing for Dummies

English Grammar for Dummies

The Five Minute Writer

Self Editing Fiction that Sells

This is the cover to my first book, Long Lost. What do you think? A work colleague created it for me and I think it depicts the essence of the book perfectly. I do think it will need to look more professional when I come to self publishing but it works for now.