Monday 9 December 2013

This is the cover to my first book, Long Lost. What do you think? A work colleague created it for me and I think it depicts the essence of the book perfectly. I do think it will need to look more professional when I come to self publishing but it works for now.


  1. I like your cover. There is warmth and simplicity. Without reading your book it makes me think the book is about a woman facing change and needing to make a decision. I agree it will need to be improved for publication.Maybe sharper. I think the title and your name are indistinct and need to stand out more. If you are only publishing as a download you can check how it looks on a kindle reader or download a kindle previewer and view the image through that. Best of luck.

  2. You've hit the nail on the head, that is exactly what the book is about. I'm so glad it conveys that to you. Yes it does need sharpening up but the essence is there. I'm not publishing my book until spring 2014 so have plenty of time. Thanks for your comment Grace.
